Orthotics & Splinting

We offer a full line of prescription orthotics as well as the design and creation of customized splints.

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What are Orthotics?

We offer a full line of prescription orthotics from dress shoe to sports-specific needs. Using a negative casting system, a precise fit with optimal comfort is guaranteed. The thermoplastic composition provides rigid biomechanical support combining optimal function and a lifetime warranty against breakage. A temporary orthotic (six months to a year) may also be provided. The temporary orthotic provides excellent shock absorbency with semi-rigid biomechanical control.

What is Splinting?

Repetitive and acquired trauma to the elbow, wrist and hand may require the design and creation of customized splints (orthotics).

Our Certified Hand Therapists and upper extremity specialists are highly skilled and specialized clinicians who can assess your needs and design and build splints (orthotics) according to your needs and/or your surgeon’s specifications.