Functional Progress Notes

What is a Functional Progress Note?

We utilize functional testing with workers’ compensation clients to establish an objective measure of their current work abilities. Having functional information, such as lifting ability, will assist in identifying light duty options for injured workers. Our therapists tailor the worker‘s plan of care to include job-related activities with long-term goals based on the injured worker’s job description.

Why a Functional Progress Note versus a traditional status report?

  • Having full range of motion and strength does not necessarily mean the injured worker is ready to RTW (return to work)
  • Providing only strength and range of motion measurements does not indicate what a worker can do functionally
  • It provides physicians objective data on work ability, rather than guessing about appropriate restrictions
  • Knowing current work abilities allows for more meaningful light duty placement

How will Functional Progress Notes benefit my company?

  • Better addresses RTW, providing more specific and accurate restrictions based on the current limitations
  • Reduces the DART rate (Days Away Restricted or Transferred)
  • Allows employer to return worker to regular position and restrict only specific tasks
  • Allows for quicker progression of RTW full duty following therapy